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…Determine What Transition Services and Support Options to Consider?

…Facilitate Meaningful Transition Planning?

…Know Who to Involve in Transition Planning?

…Prepare for Employment?

”What I Wish I Knew Then”: Parent Perspective Following High School

15 Vision Board Ideas for Children

2018-2019 Workgroup Update

Adult Literacy Ohio: Empowering Adults with Developmental Disabilities through Literacy

Advance Your Career


Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment (AATA) Planning Guide

Agency Navigation Tool Video

Approaches to Common Challenges with Multi-System Youth

Assistive Technology and Youth with Complex Support Needs: Resources and Considerations

Assistive Technology and Youth with Complex Support Needs: Resources and Considerations

Autism and Trauma

Benefits to Employers

Born for Business

Building a Bridge- Phase I (2011-2014)

Building a Bridge- Phase II (2015-2020)

Building a Work Experience Program for Students with Complex Needs

Building an Inclusive Culture

Career Connections

Career Exploration

Career Pathways Toolkit

Career Pathways Toolkit - Self-Advocacy

Celebrate EDU

Charting the LifeCourse

Charting the LifeCourse - Daily Life and Employment

Charting the LifeCourse - The Basics

Charting the LifeCourse (CtLC)

Charting the LifeCourse Tools for Transition Assessment and Planning

Charting the LifeCourse: Introduction to the LifeCourse Framework

Community Life Guide

Confronting Fears About Losing Benefits Due to Employment Opportunities

Confronting Fears of Working + Benefits with Facts, Evaluation, Action, and Results (F.E.A.R. Factor)

Creating the Perfect Storm: Developing Meaningful Vocational Experiences for Youth with Complex Needs

CtLC and the IEP Part 1

CtLC and the IEP Part 2

Data and Reports

Data Ohio

Disability Benefits

Disability Benefits 101

Discovering a Vision

Diversify Your Workplace

DODD MyLearning

DODD/OOD Joint Guidance

Early Transition Planning


Effective Practices: Supporting Youth In School, In the Community, and On the Job

Elementary IEP Template PowerPoint

Elements of I‘m Determined Poster

Employability/Life Skills Assessment (ELSA)

Employment First 10 Year Anniversary

Employment First in Ohio

Employment First Provider

Employment First Through OOD

Employment Navigation

Employment Support Professional Training and Credentialing

Establish a Community Multi-Agency Planning (MAP) Team

Establishing Families as Partners in Secondary Transition

Explore Career Options

Exploring the Myth of “Hard-to-Reach Families”: Maximizing Family Partnership Through Intentional Communication

Family Engagement: Building a Strong Foundation by Tom Capretta

Focusing on the Destination Worksheet

Fueling Up with Self and Others!

Functional Behavior Assessment for Youth with Complex Needs – Beyond A-B-C

Funding Realignment

Funding Realignment Summary (June 2014)

Funding System Re-Design for Ohio’s Employment First Initiative (June 2014)

Funding System Re-design Work Group

Gabby’s Story

Get Acquainted with OCALI Resources

HART'S Ladder to Youth Participation

Hire Up Employment Curriculum

How Can I Be A Self-Advocate?

How to Decide?: Alternatives to Guardianship

I am Ready for Work

I‘m Determined

Improving Services Using Lean Methods & Value-Stream Mapping


Innovation Projects

Innovation Resources

Innovation Series

Innovation Spotlight

Interagency Planning Team

It Starts with Families

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

Job Seeker‘s Guide

Job Seekers

Laws and Regulations

Loop Ohio

Medicaid Buy-In for Workers with Disabilities (MBIWD)

Meet Our Team

Moving Towards Self-Reliance: Technology and Practice

Multi Agency Planning in Action

Multi-Agency Transition Planning Materials

National Core Indicators

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative (NTACT:C)

Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities Final Blueprint Proposal (July 2021)

Ohio Leaders and Innovating Providers Roundtable (2020)

Ohio Lending Libraries

Ohio Operating Standards for the Education of Children with Disabilities Rule 3301-51-07

Ohio Tech Ambassador Network

Ohio Technology First

Ohio’s Path to Employment First (February 2014)


OhioMeansJobs Career Profile

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)

Outcome Tracking System

Overcoming Barriers Roundtable (2020)


Path to Employment Case Studies

Pediatric to Adult Healthcare Transition

Person-Centered Planning

Postsecondary Education and Training Resources

Practices to Enhance Family Engagement

Professional Development

Provider Support Tools

Request Materials

Roundtable Discussions

School Age: Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series


Secondary IEP Template PowerPoint

Secondary Transition and Workforce Develpoment for Students with Disabilities

Self-Advocacy Resource and Technical Assistance Center

Self-Advocacy Resources

Self-Determination and Youth with Complex Support Needs

SELN Guided Conversation Guidance

Service Providers

Small Business Association

Social Security Disability: What Professionals Need to Know

Spotlight Series

STABLE Account Program

Stakeholders’ Feedback on Ohio’s Employment First Initiative (December 2017)

Starting the Conversation Worksheet

State Data Info

State Employment Leadership Network‘s Guided Conversation

State Support Team Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Library

Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility (Project STIR)

Strategic Planning Guide

Student Lead IEP Presentation

Suggestion Box

Support Agencies

Supporting a Vision for Employment eLearning Course

Supporting Multi-System Youth and the Family Unit

Supporting Positive Behavior: The Ziggurat Model

Synergies Work

Take 5: Charting the LifeCourse

Targeting Meaningful Curriculum for Transition Age Youth with Complex Needs

Taskforce Recommendations



Technology and Transition

The Advocate's Journey to Being Heard

The Employer Assistance and Resource Network on Disability Inclusion (EARN)

The Inclusive Employer Toolkit

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN)

The Journey: A Suite of Resources

The Journey: A Suite of Resources

The One-Pager

The State Employment Leadership Network (SELN) Guidance for Conversations

Tools for Agency Collaboration

Tools for Multi-Agency Planning

Tools for Multi-Agency Team Transition Planning

Transformation Talks

Transition Assessment

Transition Assessment and Transition Planning for Youth with Lifelong Needs

Transition Planning for the Whole Person: An Individualized Journey

Transition Team Professionals

Transition to Adulthood: Quick Guide in the Life Experience Series

Transition Toolkit

Transportation Resources and Transition Planning Considerations

Trauma and Youth with Complex Needs

Understanding Services

Using OCALI’s Autism Center Resources to Improve Instruction and Support for Those With ASD

Using our MAP to Guide Transition-Aged Students in their Journey to Achieve Post-School Outcomes

Vision and Strategy

Vision or Dream Boards

Vocational Planning Tool

Vocational Planning Tool (PDF)

What Educators Need (and Want) to Know About Medications

What Kind of Job Should I Get?

What Works for Work

Why Employment Matters

Work Incentives Planning and Counseling


Youth and Families

Youth and Family