Exploring My Work Preferences
This activity aims to help students identify personal preferences on workplace environments.

It’s important to know your preferences because of how it affects jobs you can apply for or even your career choices. Let’s take some time to explore our own schedules by completing a planner for what a typical week is like for you. Make sure to add any responsibilities, school hours, etc. When you’re done, we will discuss what you learn.

Try using these different prompting questions to continue or start conversation.
- What did you learn about your schedule? When do you seem to have time?
- How does your availability change if your schedule changes?
- Discuss cause-and-effect scenarios – how changing a variable may change a schedule or vice versa. Feel free to also complete the worksheet and use as an example.
- How do schedules vary across different places of work?
- Create lists with students of daytime jobs, nighttime jobs, day and night jobs. Can also discuss that not every job occurs within those environments. For example, a nurse at a hospital may have a to work at night, but a nurse at a doctor’s office does not.

Based on the schedule you made above, use the Work Preferences Worksheet to document any of your preferences for work.

Work Preferences Worksheets - This worksheet has two options depending on student support needs or preference.

Add to Your Student Career Profile - My Work Preferences