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Job Exploration Counseling

Click each of the following boxes on the following headings (or press return on the following headings) to reveal the benchmarks and/or requirements each lesson covers and the Begin Lesson button. In order to complete Part 2 of Job Exploration Counseling, providers must deliver activities from each of the five lessons below.

Why Employment Matters… Active card

Benchmark: Explore why employment matters to the student

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OhioMeansJobs & Interest Inventories… Press return to reveal.

Requirement: Complete an interest inventory and register with OhioMeansJobs' "Student Learning Kit"

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Exploring Personal Preferences for Employment… Press return to reveal.

Benchmark: Explore how personal preferences impact employment such as public benefits, full/part time, time of day

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My Career Interests… Press return to reveal.

Benchmark: Determine potential areas of vocational interest

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Career Paths & Job Opportunities… Press return to reveal.

Benchmark: Gain knowledge of career paths and job opportunities including necessary skills and qualifications to be successful

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