2018-2019 Workgroup Update
Payment in Adult Day and Employment Services Work Group
Work Group Background and Purpose:
Adult Day and Employment Services have evolved rapidly in Ohio in the past few years. Provider organizations are changing programs and practices as they respond to multiple and complex demands from federal and state authorities, advocacy organizations, and people with disabilities and their families. A range of practices are currently being used in Ohio to make payments to individuals enrolled in waiver funded adult day and employment services.
DODD originally established this work group in September, 2017 in order to secure stakeholder recommendations about what DODD could do to strengthen provider capacity to engage in payment practices that align with state and federal requirements. The charge at that time was to generate information about the range of practices being used in Ohio to pay individuals enrolled in adult employment services and review legislation, rule, and Technical Guidance pertaining to payment to individuals. That work lead to the development of the guidance distributed in June, 2018.
DODD reconvened this workgroup in August 2018 in order to ensure systemic compliance with both service and compensation standards.
The primary purpose of the workgroup is to:
- Review and align current services align with state and federal requirements
- Review and update phase Two and Three of The Future of Adult Day Services In Ohio
12 month Work Group Charge:
- Conduct analysis and engage stakeholders
- Support providers to undertake plan development
- Address unintended negative consequences
- Recommend necessary system changes
Update 8-5-2021- The information posted below is outdated as this work has merged into the Blueprint for Adult Day and Employment Services Work Group. For updated information, please visit the Blueprint for Adult Day and Employment Services Work Group page.
Ohio’s Vocational Habilitation Service: Information You Need to Know
8_13_2020 VOCATIONAL HABILITATION FRAMEWORK (This is an old version and our current plan is the Blueprint Proposal.)
August 31, 2018 Meeting
September 27, 2018 Meeting
October 18, 2018 Meeting
November 16, 2018 Meeting
December 13, 2018 Meeting
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- PowerPoint
- DRAFT Framework Framework for Aligning Vocational Habilitation Service Delivery with Federal and State Requirements-(**OLD VERSION**)
- Vocational Habilitation Fact Sheet
January 2019 Meeting
February 28, 2019 Meeting
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- DRAFT- Retirement Service
- DRAFT- Prior Authorization Process
- DRAFT- Timeline(**OLD VERSION**)
- Vocational Habilitation Talking Points-(**OLD VERSION**)
- Sample Resource Document
April 19, 2019 Meeting
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- PowerPoint Slides
- DRAFT- Timeline(**OLD VERSION**)
- Vocational Habilitation Framework (**OLD VERSION**)
June 27, 2019 Meeting
- Agenda
- Meeting Minutes
- PowerPoint Slides
- Implementation Team
- Vocational Habilitation Talking Points (**OLD VERSION**)
- Vocational Habilitation Framework (**OLD VERSION**)