The Journey: A Suite of Resources
November 20, 2023 at 2:30 pm
Video: The Journey: A Suite of Resources
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Presenters: Alex Corwin, MA, OCALI’s Lifespan Transitions Center Director; Elizabeth Wietmarschen, M.Ed, OCALI’s Lifespan Transitions Center Transition to Adulthood Consultant; Chris Filler OCALI Special Projects Manager, Multi-System Initiatives, Manager Multi-System Navigation Center
Are you new to transitioning students with disabilities to the unknown of adulthood? Do you find yourself as an educator or other school professional not knowing where to start when it comes to transition? Don’t worry. The Journey suite of resources has you covered. Whether you are new to transition or a seasoned professional, there is something for you! From our uniquely designed toolkits to webinars, you will walk away with a tool or resource designed to meet you where you are in the journey of helping students and families with complex needs transition to adulthood.