Flexible Options
This activity explores self-employment.

For some people, they may need different options for work because of their unique preferences. An option that may have more flexibility is self-employment, also known as entrepreneurship. Self-employment is when you have an idea or skill that can make money and you are responsible for managing the work and any problems! Let’s learn a little more about what self-employment or what being an entrepreneur means.

What is an Entrepreneur? (1 min)
Think of something you are good at, think about your preferences and your interests. Could this lead to self-employment? Would you be interested in self-employment?

Click and Explore
For a small portion of students, where community employment or self-employment have been a struggle, an option to explore may be customized employment. This is sometimes referred to as supported-employment or as a part of Discovery. Here is a resource for more information if you want to know more: Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Customized Employment Q&A.