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Multi Agency Planning in Action

Team MAP Showcase

One of the ongoing efforts sponsored by the Ohio Employment First Task Force is to improve competitive integrated employment for youth with disabilities. OCALI’s Lifespan Transitions Center team has led Ohio's MAP (Multi Agency Planning) Team project bringing together core members from school districts, county board of developmental disabilities, and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (our state’s vocational rehabilitation agency). The project has focused on training and coaching local, county-based teams to identify barriers to students’ post-school success and collaborate on joint strategies to address the identified barriers to better support students and families during the transition planning process.

In spring 2023, OCALI held a Team Showcase bringing together the current MAP Teams in Ohio and a group of potential new MAP Teams to join a new cohort of training and coaching through the new online Ohio MAP Tool. Learn more from some of Ohio’s county-based MAP Teams by clicking the links below to hear their updates, progress made, and future plans. To hear more about the Showcase, MAP Tool, and overall MAP Team project, view the Showcase video below.

Video: Transitions Testimonials

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Strategic Planning Guide

Developed to assist local Multi Agency Teams to become more effective in serving transition youth across agencies. Provides tools and examples to support cross-agency collaboration.

Strategic Planning Guide

Establishing a Community Multi-Agency Transition to Adult Life Teams

Getting started with a local Community Transition Youth Team? Use these 10 guiding questions to help you get started with the development of a local or county Multi-Agency Team for Transition Youth. This tool could also be used to double-check your plans to implement the Employment First Transition Framework for youth with disabilities in your school district or county.

Download Establishing a Community Multi-Agency Transition to Adult Life Teams

Local Interagency Agreements

Multiple agencies, schools and providers in many counties have come together to work as a local interagency group to support youth and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to access community member and employment. Many county teams developed and signed local interagency agreements that outline common goals and priorities to guide practice and collaborative work.
