Path to Employment Case Studies
Video: Case Studies
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While each youth’s path to community employment and community membership is unique, it is often helpful to reflect on the steps, supports, and strategies that lead to their successful outcomes. Learning about others’ journeys can be helpful to multi-agency teams as a way to frame thinking that is Person-Centered, Agency-Neutral, and Outcome-Focused. To assist in learning about these journeys, case study examples of a variety of youth with differing profiles are available.
Each case study includes:
- Brief background information about the youth
- Summary of transition assessment tools and data leading to adult life goals
- A narrative description of the graphic information
These example case studies may be used for personal reflection on how to create a meaningful path from school to adulthood. Or they can be used to create professional development experiences and discussions. In any case, the user should be aware that these case studies are examples and are not intended to be replicated, directive, or used as the standard. Each person’s journey is unique and must be based on their own individual preferences, interests, needs, and skills/strengths. The examples below are offered as a tool for multi-agency teams as they work together to create high expectations for all youth as they become young adults.
Case Study for Deaf / Hard of Hearing (D/HH)
Case Study of Student Identified with an Intellectual Disability
Case Study of a Student with a Serious Emotional Disturbance
Case Study of Student Identified with Multiple Disabilities
Case Study of Student Identified with a Learning Disability
Case Study of Student Identified with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
Case Study for Blind or Visually Impaired (B/VI)