Extended Pathways: Interests and Work Values

Extended Pathways

Now that the student has identified their personal values, characteristics, and more using an Interest Inventory, it’s important to make sure they are aligning these values with decisions about internships, apprenticeships, and other job trial locations. Many students who complete an internship or apprenticeship end up working at the same company, so choosing an internship, apprenticeship, or other job trial location is important.

Review your Work Values result from Why Employment Matters, your interest inventory, and/or Self-Evaluation Worksheet and prioritize your top values, characteristics, and other interests.

As you look for internship, apprenticeships, or other job trial locations, consider the employer or business and how they may align with your interests. Are there certain industries you want to avoid? Are there certain companies that align perfectly with your values?
Explore yourself or discuss with an academic advisor how you may select an internship, apprenticeship, or other job trial location that aligns with your Self-Evaluation Worksheet.

Add to Your Student Career Profile - Interests and Work Values.