Exploring Your Interests
This activity aims to have student research a career of interest and identify various requirements.

Let’s create a list of careers or jobs that interest you. Refer to your interest inventory for ideas. (Write the list on the board for everyone to see.) Choose one career from the list to explore further. Navigate to Career OneStop. As you research, consider if this career is a good fit for you. Think about your current classes and long-term goals. You can also use the Career Clusters information

How students complete the Dream Job Reflection worksheet may vary based on available technology, time, and skills. Here are some options:
- Instructor Assisted: Instructors can look up students’ career interests, download and print relevant information, which students can then use to complete the worksheet.
- Guided Activity: Instructors can guide students through the research process, using a sample career or in-demand jobs identified by the group. Students can then use this information to complete their worksheets.
- Self-Research: Students can independently research their chosen careers.

Extending the Conversation
- Students who have chosen a career or degree can use this worksheet if they are interested in gathering more information like job tasks, responsibilities, skills, education, and salary information. It also includes questions about whether your career of interest has various types of qualifications, referred to as stackable credentials. This may help with any discussions with your talk to your advisor
- Career and Interests Worksheet