Early Transition Planning
Video: Early Transition Planning
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The Employment First Task Force recognizes that collaborating and planning for a person’s success as they transition into adulthood is critical. The earlier families and partners begin thinking about what adulthood may look like, the more prepared young people are for what lies ahead. During the 2021-2022 School Year, several Ohio school districts participated in our Early Planning Pilot. Through surveys of educators and caregivers of elementary school students, they provided feedback to develop our Universal Supports for Future Planning. They also shared their experiences with these tools:
“The tools helped me and my wife have better conversations related to our child’s future. Something we have never done before.”
“There were things that I never thought about in the Charting the LifeCourse. Simple things I can do to make my child’s life easier. I just never was aware of the what/the how.”
“Allowed us to map out interests of our students for what they would like to be when they grow up.”
Preparing Early:
Universal Supports for Future Planning
By clicking on the links below, caregivers and professionals will be led to resources, supports and activities that will actively engage young learners to help start thinking about what a fulfilling adult life can look like. After you have had the opportunity to "Start Talking" and "Connect for Support" we invite you to take our survey to better support the work that is happening around early transition planning.