Extended Pathways: Future Focus

Extended Pathways

Students who are already enrolled in or considering career technical education (CTE) or postsecondary programs, let’s take this opportunity to see if our interests match with our areas of interest. You can still rank your top five careers of interest for the below questions.
Does your program or major fit within the careers that matched your interests? If so, how? If not, where is the difference between how you answered questions about your interests and what you have chosen. Are there reasons you chose your current program or major?
- Building a physical (poster) or digital presentation for a Career Collage or Vision Board. This can include magazines, drawings, printed images, data, charts, bullet points. It can focus on independently living, career, community involvement, social benefits, and/or education.
- If it doesn’t match, that’s ok. You may want to take this opportunity to explore other career goals or talk with your school advisor.

Use the information you learned today to share what you have learned about your interests and how they may or may not align with your current goals. This may be an opportunity to explore other career goals. People you can share this with are your guardian(s), academic advisors, guidance counselors, IEP team, etc.

Add to Your Student Career Profile - Future Focus