Extended Pathways: Reality Check

Extended Pathways

Using the careers you have identified in Activity 1, Career Research, pick the career or careers you are most interested in pursuing. Then look at the self-evaluation worksheet from Lesson 4 - Career Paths and Job Opportunities to see what personal traits and skills you possess. Using these, answer the questions on Closing the Gap worksheet and develop an action plan on how you will achieve your dream job.
This activity helps students critically evaluate their career goals in relation to their current educational path, promoting proactive career planning and self-awareness. It’s flexible enough to be used in various CTE programs or college majors while encouraging students to take ownership of their career development

Use the information you learned today to share your ideas on how to close the gap to achieve your dream job. People you can share this with are your guardian(s), academic advisors, guidance counselors, IEP team, etc.
Explore yourself and discuss with them if or how these activities might influence your educational or career plans moving forward.

Add to Your Closing the Gap worksheet