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What is Your Dream Job?

This activity aims help students understand there are different skills and qualifications needed for various jobs


In the video you saw how Jennifer used her past experiences and hobbies to create a career she loved. A career can look different from person to person. Some careers require you to go to college (you may already be in college!), some might require you to obtain a particular certification or special training, while other jobs you can get right out of high school with a diploma. As you get older your experiences will help shape your perspective and influence your choices – including the career you have!

Try using these different prompting questions to continue or start conversation.

  • What job or career do you dream of having when you graduate?
  • What do you think you will need to do to become a ______________________?

Extending the Conversation

  • What type of coursework/certification program/classes will you need?
  • What apprenticeships or internships could you participate in?

Click and Explore

Below are a list of resources to learn more about apprenticeships and internships for students who are interested in learning more and if service time allows.