Social Security Disability: What Professionals Need to Know
Monday, November 28, 2022 at 2:30 PM
Video: Social Security Disability: What Professionals Need to Know
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Presenter: Theresa Busher, Social Security Public Affairs Specialist, Central/Southern Ohio; Kelly Draggoo, Public Affairs Specialist for Central and Southern Ohio
Please join us as Social Security Public Affairs Specialists Kelly Draggoo and Theresa Busher present on Social Security Disability: An Overview of SSI and SSDI - What Professionals Need to Know.
The presentation will cover:
- The difference between SSI (Supplemental Security Income) vs SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance);
- Eligibility factors of entitlement for both SSD and SSI;
- Social Security’s definition of disability for those under and over age 18;
- Applying for disability benefits and the national SSI 3rd Party VPAP Application Project;
- And more.
Social Security Disability: What Professionals Need to Know Resources Document