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The Journey: A Suite of Resources

Multi-Agency Planning and Partnerships: Awareness Activity

Multi-Agency Planning and Partnerships

As a youth moves towards graduation, a variety of agencies, organizations, and people can and should become part of the transition team. Adding agency partners and others to the team provides the youth with the support of a network of people who provide services and resources in multiple environments to prepare students to achieve their specific post school outcomes. Interagency collaboration and coordination is a clear, purposeful, and carefully designed process. It promotes cross agency, cross program, and cross-disciplinary collaborative efforts leading to tangible transition outcomes for youth.


Read. Review the information in the AATA Planning Guide about working together as a multi-agency team.


Consider. How often do you connect with partners, other than those in the school, for transition planning?


Note. Refer back to the questions on the Build Your Team page. Make a note of people you have included as part of a transition planning team or project as well as those that you might be able to include in the future.


Download. Download the Agency Navigation Tool from the website after viewing the video. Briefly review the guide to become familiar with the flow and content of the guide.


Note. Jot down questions and/or comments about the information in the guide or the agencies that are highlighted. Identify the agencies or information that you are familiar with as well as information or agencies that are unfamiliar to you.


Save. File your notes about multi-agency partnerships to use as you move through your toolkits.

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