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The Journey: A Suite of Resources

Family Engagement: Awareness Activity

Family Engagement

Anything we do in partnership with families that improves the success of the student/child falls under the umbrella of “Family Engagement”. Therefore, student success is the ultimate measure of success of our family engagement strategies.

It is important to recognize that Family Engagement is not necessarily engagement with the school or other systems in meetings and formal processes. It is families engaging with their children in support of education, transition planning, and other critical decisions that lead to successful outcomes. Schools and agencies can promote family engagement by broadening the focus of family engagement beyond attendance at events or completion of required documentation.


Read. Review the research, quotes, and information in It Starts with Families guide.


Note. Jot down some barriers you learned when reading the It Starts with Families guide that makes it difficult for families to consistently engage in your school-based and other activities.


Watch. The Journey: Shortcut on the Four Forms of Family Engagement by Tom Capretta from The Ohio State University’s Statewide Family Engagement Center.


Note. Answer Tom’s charge at the end of his Journey: Shortcuts video. What does it mean to be an engaged caregiver or family member?


Save. File your notes about family engagement to use as you move through your toolkits.

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