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The Journey: A Suite of Resources

Curriculum and Instruction: Awareness Activity

Curriculum and Instruction

Youth and families rely on the school team to provide rich and robust instruction that will help their learners acquire knowledge across all subject areas. As part of a school team, you need to ensure that all learners have access to the general curriculum and that you are providing them with the same opportunities you would for any learner. The first step to this process is presuming competence of your students.


Watch. Watch this short video on the The Importance of Presuming Competence.


Note. After you have watched the video, use the note taking form to reflect on the following questions:

  1. What thoughts or feelings came up from watching this video?
  2. What am I doing to presume competence in the students that I serve?
  3. What could I be doing better to presume competence in the students I serve?
  4. What is a goal to work towards to presume competence with the students I work with?


Save. File your notes about presuming competence to use as you move through your toolkits.

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