Setting the Groundwork
Video: 2021 Transformation Talks - Katie Blumhorst
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Setting the Groundwork: Making Employment Part of the Intake and Planning Process
Katie Blumhorst
Employment is a powerful component of inclusion. For adults, work is a source of income, personal satisfaction, and friends. Employment is part of adulting. In this session, we discuss three different areas: (1) Preparing your Agency; (2) Preparing Support Networks; and, (3) Discussions with People Served. Each area is an important segment to laying the groundwork for employment in the intake and planning process. We will look at techniques to drive employment skills learning through activities, incorporate open/closed questioning and funneling while speaking with support networks, the common barriers support networks have towards employment, and how to use positive peer pressure. Come set the groundwork during this session!

Katie Blumhorst
Katie Blumhorst, CESP, leads the compliance, strategic, and business planning for Capabilities. She has been instrumental in expanding the company, increasing the number of direct service providers by 168%, nearly doubling the number of people served, transforming Capabilities facility-based services, and forging the path for innovation in the last six years. Prior to Capabilities, Blumhorst lead design, construction, and corporate relocation projects for businesses and retailers worldwide. In 2014 and 2020, she led Capabilities to earn the distinction of being in the top 3% of all companies accredited by CARF.