Planning and Supports
Video: 2021 Transformation Talks - Bryan Dague
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Individualized Planning and Supports
Bryan Dague
Employment is the goal of all, not just some. We need to presume competence as everyone has dreams, gifts, and skills they can offer. It is our job to discover those gifts, skills, and talents to develop individualized person-centered plans to secure inclusive, community-based employment. This session will review the essential elements of the employment process including:
- Discovery/Assessment: Getting to know the person and job goals
- Employer Engagement/Job Development: Securing a good job match and negotiating supports
- Employment Support: Learning the tasks and inclusion in the workplace
We will explore the concept of customized employment for the mutual benefit of the employee and employer.

Bryan Dague
Bryan Dague, Ed.D., has been employed at the University of Vermont-Center on Disability & Community Inclusion for over 25 years, providing training and consulting on inclusive employment for people with disabilities. In 2006, he earned his doctorate in Educational Leadership and Policy Studies from the University of Vermont. His dissertation entitled “Sheltered Employment, Sheltered Lives: Navigating the New Realities of Community Employment” focused on the last sheltered workshop in Vermont and the impact the conversion had on the families and participants. Dr. Dague provides consultation and training in the transformation from sheltered workshops to community employment. He is the current director of the Think College program at the University of Vermont.