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The Journey: A Suite of Resources

Multi-Agency Planning and Partnerships Toolkit

Awareness Activities

Awareness Activities from the Transition Basics Toolkit are your first steps. If you or any team members have not completed the Multi-Agency Planning and Partnerships: Awareness Activities in the Transition Basics toolkit, begin with those now. Those activities are self-paced and prepare individuals to engage as a team. Once you have completed the Awareness Activities, move to the Extend Your Knowledge section below.

Extend Your Knowledge


Reflect. Review your team discussion and notes from the Awareness Activities in the Transition Basics Toolkit. Focus on the questions in the Notetaking Form about the Build Your Team page of the AATA Planning Guide and the Agency Navigation Tool.


Watch. The video below on Agencies Working in Silos. (1 minute).

Video: Silos Animation

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Dialogue. After watching the silo video discuss the following as a team:

  • Has the team witnessed the issues families experience when working with multiple agencies from the silo videos?
  • How has this team identified needs, strengths, and opportunities to improve agency collaboration across the local agency partners?


Note. Jot down ideas or take aways you or your team had during your discussion.


Review. Path to Community Employment Case Studies with a focus on the tables within each case study that shows agency involvement across the youth’s educational career and post-graduation. Sarah and Kesha’s case studies are two that highlight multiple agency involvement from an early age.


Note. Jot down comments about the agencies that are included in the case studies and potential opportunities that the team wishes to consider.


Dialogue. When looking at the Agency Navigation Tool discuss the following questions:

  • Which agencies were most familiar to the team?
  • Which agencies were least familiar?
  • Which agencies would the team like to learn more about?


To Do. Identify agency resources that your team wants to learn more about and potential agencies to develop a partnership to benefit students and families.


Save. Document the notes of the discussion and save them for use as you expand your team activity and plans for building multi-agency partnerships.

Apply Your Knowledge


Application. Congratulations! You have learned the importance of Multi-Agency Planning and Partnerships. Your team should be familiar with some of the concepts about Multi-Agency Planning and Partnerships and how these relationships can better help in the transition planning process. Let’s start applying what you have learned. You and your team should consider completing the following:

  • Gather additional information on the agencies or agency resources that were less familiar and review as a team.
  • Create an agency resource guide for this team to use when transition planning with youth, families, and their team.
  • Discuss the opportunities that exist for this team to develop an ongoing relationship with local agency partners.
  • Reach out to local teams that have developed working relationships with agency partners to better understand the steps they used for a successful partnership and important contact people at these agencies.
  • Consider adding external partners to your Core Team like SSAs working with your students or SSA supervisor, residential and/or employment providers currently serving your youth or who may in the future, and/or OOD counselor(s).
  • Write down your Next Steps on your Action Plan.

Ongoing Team Meetings



  • Review the results of the activity/activities previously identified in Next Steps.
  • Add Multi-Agency Collaboration as an ongoing agenda item.
  • Identify and review the ongoing efforts that will be made to promote and sustain Multi-Agency Collaboration across local agency partners.