May 23 Summit
Video: 2023 Summit: Carol Combs Keynote
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Video: 2023 Summit: Maintaining Relationships
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2023 Innovation Series Summit
The 2023 Innovation Series builds on the connections the Community Life Engagement (CLE) Team has helped to spotlight and celebrate over the last 6+ years to improve person-centered planning, community membership, and employment opportunities for individuals across Ohio. Throughout the 2022 Innovation Series, we honored the importance of relationships and explored how innovation is created and sustained by leveraging those relationships and shared experiences. We recognized how interconnected we are, and that we expand what is possible when we come together with a shared purpose. The increasing complexities of our society and challenges faced within the developmental disability system require us to work collaboratively to discover a shared path forward.
The 2023 Innovation Series provides the opportunity for stakeholders to share strategies and address obstacles related to Employment, Technology, Transition, Supporting People with Significant Needs, and Plans & Outcomes. DODD is taking this opportunity to help build relationships and bridge the function of the Quality and Innovation Office’s various teams. The CLE Team, the Ohio LifeCourse Nexus Team, and the OhioISP Team, are combining efforts to further assist stakeholders in supporting people with lived experiences as a person with developmental disabilities to live their best lives with a focus meaningful relationships. The series is designed to grow and foster networks that empower a diverse group of people to connect, collaborate, and innovate to create a future system of supports that works for all.
Learning Objectives:
- Participants will be able to describe at least one innovative practice or idea shared during the Summit that they can incorporate into their work.
- Participants will be able to articulate at least one way that networks and collaboration can support the journey towards a meaningful life for all.
- Participants will be able to identify at least one way to sustain and enrich support through relationships, networks, and listening to people being supported and their families.
- Participants will be able to share at least one story they heard during the Summit about building netowkrs for people with significant sensory, behavior, and communication needs.
Video: Julie and Harry‘s Story
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