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Innovation Series

April 25 Transition

Video: 2023 Innovation Series: Transition - Part 1

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Video: 2023 Innovation Series: Transition - Part 2

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2023 Innovation Tuesdays: April 25 Transition From School to Adulthood

We will be discussing the power of relationships in supporting employment, technology, and community connections as a part of a meaningful adult life for transition-age youth.

Learning Objectives:

  • Participants will learn how relationships through multi-agency planning supported an individual with a disability both before and after high school.
  • Participants will learn how exploring technology as a resource can support transition-age students with disabilities.
  • Participants will learn the power of relationships and community connections can support an individual who is graduating high school.


  • Sarra Burnham – LSW - Community Life Engagement Project Manager, Department of Developmental Disabilities
  • Rachel Roseman – Regional Support Facilitator, Department of Developmental Disabilities
  • Heather Pohlman – Assistive Tech and Remote Support Specialist, Lucas County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • Sarah Heldmann – Community Occupational Therapy Assistant, Wood County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • Brittany Joseph – Ohio Tech Ambassador, Parent, Professor
  • Gabby Kozinski – Advocate
  • Elaine Kithcart – Transition Service and Support Specialist, Crawford County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • Christa Graves – Adult Service and Support Specialsit, Crawford County Board of Developmental Disabilities
  • Amanda Moran – Director, Chrysalis Advantage Point


Additional Videos

Video: Gabby‘s Story

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Accessibility: We strive to make this website accessible for all users, including people with disabilities. We test and modify this website for optimal usability. If you have any accessibility questions or find any pages on our website that pose accessibility barriers, please contact

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When available, you can use Spanish subtitles for this video by selecting Settings and choosing Spanish in the Captions drop down menu.