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Innovation Series

May 29 – Summit Agenda

A Day in the Life | 2024 Innovation Series | Amplifying Voices | Building a More Inclusive Tomorrow

The 2024 Innovation Series culminates in an in-person summit on Wednesday, May 29, honoring the stories - including yours - that inspire action.

The in-person summit will offer practical strategies on:

  • Integrated support
  • Person-centered outcomes
  • Community building
  • Relationships
  • Employment opportunities

The Summit was held at Quest Conference Center – 9200 Worthington Rd., Suite 400, Westerville, Ohio 43082.

Time Topic Description Room
9:00am-10:00am Registration & Networking Check in at the registration desk when you arrive to pick up your credentials and Summit materials. Then enjoy morning coffee/refreshments while you connect with your peers and colleagues from across Ohio. Edison 1 and 2
10:00am-11:00am Welcome to the Summit We set the stage for the day using the Charting the LifeCourse trajectory and star as documentation for personal action planning. We'll also review the Together We CAN: Building Community activity and introduce the afternoon Table Talks. Edison 1 and 2
11:00am-11:15am Break Grab another cup and/or introduce yourself to someone it seems like you should know. Edison 1 and 2
11:15am-12:15pm   Breakout Sessions 1  
  Innovative Workforce Techniques: Recruitment & Retention Join us to hear about exciting and innovative workforce strategies utilized by provider agencies to address the ongoing workforce crisis. Presenters will share ways that their agency is creatively working to enhance the DSP experience. Direct Support Professionals will also share how agency culture and innovative ideas have affected their experience as a DSP.  Morgan 1
  Outcomes – Bringing it to Life: Continuing the Collaborative Journey – Part 1 This session is designed for DSPs, providers, families, County Boards, ICFs, and people living with developmental disabilities. Discover the strength of collaborative strategies intertwined with diversity, inclusion, equity, and an appreciation for cultural differences in the team process. Immerse yourself in real-world experiences that happen throughout the team process, with the ultimate goal of achieving impactful outcomes that enhance the lives of people with all abilities. We’ll encourage you to keep sharing your thoughts and ideas by using #WhyNotTryItOhio. Edison 1
  Empowering Voices: Tools and Resources to Unlock Your Potential – Part 1  This session will provide a comprehensive introduction to the Trajectory Tool and Integrated Star Tool, offering foundational knowledge and diverse examples of their application. Through guided demonstrations and collective brainstorming, participants will gain practical insights into using these tools effectively. Emphasizing that these tools are just the beginning of a larger journey within Charting the LifeCourse and Person-Centered Planning, attendees are encouraged to explore further avenues and share their experiences with others. By actively integrating these principles into their lives, individuals will gain firsthand experience in building a fulfilling life. Wright 1 & 2
  Supported Decision Making – Dungeons & Dragons This fun and interactive session blends supported decision-making and game-based learning to teach decision-making skills and self-determination principles. One person (the narrator) reads a storybook and presents the others (the adventurers) with decisions to make along their journey. The narrator learns how to support people to make their own decisions using creative approaches (plain language explanations, pictures, promoting dignity of risk, and encouraging discussion and compromise), while the adventurers get to practice making different decisions in a safe setting where risks and mistakes are not the end of the world. Because the activity is choose-your-own-adventure style, the adventurers can experience different outcomes each time they play based on the decisions they make along the way. Edison 2
12:15pm-1:30pm Lunch Continue networking with your peers and colleagues over the provided buffet lunch. Or take a break from all the action and step outside for a bit of fresh air before more great sessions and conversations follow in the afternoon. Edison 1 & 2
1:30pm-2:30pm   Breakout Sessions 2  
  DSPU Program Join representatives from the Ohio Alliance of Direct Support Professionals to learn more about their DSP-U program and how it is shaping the future of the direct support profession in Ohio by engaging the next generation of professionals in the developmental disabilities field. Morgan 1
  Teaching Healthy Relationships and Sex Education: An Inclusive Approach Join us for an engaging session focused on teaching healthy relationships and sex education from an inclusive perspective. We will discuss the importance of comprehensive sex education and highlight key topics such as consent, communication, and boundaries. Participants will participate in breakout discussions and interactive activities, providing opportunities to share insights, experiences, and best practices. We will explore how to empower individuals with disabilities to form and maintain healthy relationships, while equipping professionals with the knowledge and tools to support them effectively.  Edison 2
  Discovery This session will be an opportunity for a side-by-side learning experience for DSPs/professionals and people with lived experience to navigate the journey through discovering people’s passions and interests into the world of employment. Edison 1
  Empowering Voices: Tools and Resources to Unlock Your Potential – Part 2 This session will provide a comprehensive introduction to the Trajectory Tool and Integrated Star Tool, offering foundational knowledge and diverse examples of their application. Through guided demonstrations and collective brainstorming, participants will gain practical insights into using these tools effectively. Emphasizing that these tools are just the beginning of a larger journey within Charting the LifeCourse and Person-Centered Planning, attendees are encouraged to explore further avenues and share their experiences with others. By actively integrating these principles into their lives, individuals will gain firsthand experience in building a fulfilling life.  Wright 1 & 2
  Outcomes 2 - Bringing it to Life: Continuing the Collaborative Journey – Part 2  This session is designed for DSPs, providers, families, County Boards, ICFs, and people living with developmental disabilities. This session will tie everything together. We’ll look back at the real-world stories and experiences shared and discuss how to apply them in your teams. Learn how #WhyNotTryItOhio can help you bridge the gaps with the team process, with the ultimate goals of achieving impactful outcomes that enhance the lives of people with all abilities.  Morgan 2
2:30pm-2:45pm Snack Break Wow, what a day! Enjoy a mid-afternoon stretch and snack before rounding out the day on a high note. Edison 1 & 2
2:45pm-3:45pm Table Talks Table talks are a type of interactive session that provide a space for small group deeper dialogue and feedback. Table talks are designed to spur discussion that can continue during and after the conference with the express intent to build community around shared topics of interest.   Edison 1 & 2
3:45pm-4:00pm Wrap Up Let's synthesize and reflect on the day. What are our takeaways and next steps? Edison 1 & 2