Employment Matters: Discovering Your Why
This activity aims to help students understand different reasons why people work.

It is important to know and understand why people work. There are many reasons why, and knowing what reasons are important to you is helpful as you consider career options.
This is what is going to motivate you to fInd a career path that fIts your unique circumstances. Whether you have never had a job, or you are working towards a certificate or a degree, understanding your WHY behind employment is going to serve as a key motivator in gaining or maintaining a job.

In the video you learned about many different reasons people work. People often work for money to buy things they need like food, clothes and a place to live. People can work for other reasons too, like learning new skills, making friends, helping others, and to feel proud of what they do. You may be at an age where you are just starting to talk about what work might mean to you or you may already know what you want to do and why.

Add to Your Student Career Profile - Discovering Your Why.