Advisory Committee

Advocacy and Protective Services Inc. (APSI)
Advocates for outcomes that promote dignity, respect, and enhanced quality of life for individual persons with developmental disabilities.

Arc of Ohio
Advocates for human rights, personal dignity and community participation of individuals with developmental disabilities through legislative and social action, information and education, local chapter supports, and family involvement.

Association of People Supporting Employment First (APSE)
National membership organization that focuses exclusively on inclusive employment and career advancement opportunities for individuals with disabilities.

Disability Rights Ohio
Advocates for an equitable Ohio for people with disabilities. Serves as Ohio’s Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system and Client Assistance Program (CAP).

Governor’s Office
The executive office of the governor and administration, including cabinet members that serve as director for the many state agencies and departments and are appointed by the Governor.

Ohio’s Association of County Boards (OACB)
Provides advocacy, communications, professional development, and technical assistance to all 88 of Ohio‘s county boards of developmental disabilities.

Ohio Center for Autism and Low Incidence (OCALI)
Inspires change and promotes access through informing public policy, developing, and deploying practices grounded in linking research to real life. OCALI works with and for people with disabilities so that they can live their best lives.

Ohio Provider Resource Association (OPRA)
Supports and provides advocacy for community-based service providers to ensure the availability of programs, services and funding adequate to support and assist individuals with developmental disabilities as they strive to achieve a life of increasing independence, productivity and integration.

Ohio Self Determination Association (OSDA)
Empowers people with disabilities and their families by expanding awareness of self-determination principles, providing valuable training resources, and promoting advocacy efforts.

A community for siblings of people with disabilities geared to empower siblings and advocates to create a better world inclusive of people with disabilities.

People First of Ohio
Assists people with disabilities who are self-advocates to talk about their needs and rights with people in their communities.

The Ohio State University Nisonger Center
With a strong and dynamic interdisciplinary team of researchers, clinicians, teachers, staff and trainees, the faculty and staff of the Nisonger Center strive to improve the lives of people with intellectual and neurodevelopmental disabilities across their lifespan.

University of Cincinnati Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD)
Provides education, training, research, impacts on policy, and shares information to ensure children and adults with disabilities and their families can lead the lives they want.