Employment Navigation
Employment Navigation
Employment Navigation is a billable function under Targeted Case Management where Service and Support Administrators (SSAs) can assist in the planning, authorizing, and monitoring of employment supports for job-seekers with developmental disabilities in their local communities.
Employment Navigation Technical Assistance Liaison Project
The Employment Navigation Technical Assistance Liaisons (ENTAL) Project is a collaborative initiative among the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, Ohio Association of County Boards, and Regional System Partners (school districts, Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities, Ohio Means Jobs, and others). The main purpose behind the project is to help build capacity and a network of support for Service and Support Administrators (SSAs) in County Boards functioning as Employment Navigators.
- See the slides from the "ENTAL: What it is?" presentation: ENTAL What it is? (pdf)
- View the ENTAL Live Binder that houses multiple resources and information regarding Employment Navigation: ENTAL Project Live Binders
- The state has been split into four regions for the ENTAL Project. See which region your county is in: ENTAL Regions (pdf)
- Contact your ENTAL Liaison for specific training and technical assistance in your county: ENTAL Contact List (pdf)
- Review general information about the ENTAL Project: ENTAL Information Sheet (pdf)
- Check out identified duties and responsibilities for an Employment Navigator: Employment Navigator Position Description (pdf)
- Reference Fact Sheet regarding the most appropriate reimbursement system to use for certain positions: Reimbursement Reference Fact Sheet (pdf)
- Career Discovery (HCBS Waiver) vs. Career Exploration (OOD): Career Discovery Guidance
Employment Navigation Training
Please use this link to access an index of online and in-person training opportunities for Service and Support Administrations who function as Employment Navigators.
Employment Navigation Resource Guide
Please use this link to access the Employment Navigation Resource Guide that includes an Employment Navigation discussion guide, links to resources, and a list of frequently asked questions concerning the Employment Navigation Technical Assistance Liaison Project.
Video: Employment Navigation Introduction
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